Culture from the Leading Edge
We have traveled to the farthest reaches of the Earth, poured over every nuance, and sought the purest possible harmonic resonance to find, preserve and invigorate the finest collection of unique fungal genetics in the world.
Now we want to share them with you, tenderly, with loving care. Because you — medicine weaver, mirth maker — you deserve the very best. Because YOU ARE TRUE BLUE.

About Us
True Blue Genetics produces sterile laboratory specimens for fungal genetics research. With a library of over 200 distinct mushroom-producing varieties, we have carefully curated a robust selection of the most vigourous, rare, exotic and high-performing strains to offer to our beloved mycological community.
For several years as a wholesale producer of liquid culture for commercial farms and other leading genetics brands, we have refined our unique liquid fermentation process and produced thousands of batches with unparalleled success. We constantly prepare fresh culture in small quantities and redundantly test every batch to verify its purity and vitality.
Our liquid culture is prepared from thoroughly isolated tissue clones selected with utmost discretion, and great care is taken to preserve each specimen in its most youthful, vigorous state. Our cultures have remarkable long-term stability and are prepared in conformity to critical standards for DNA analysis and inclusion in fungaria for future scientific study and biodiversity preservation.
Using redundant quantitative analytical methods, our cultures are independently laboratory verified to be free of any alkaloids or scheduled compounds and are sold strictly for research purposes. True Blue Genetics does not condone the misuse of its products, and it is the sole responsibility of the purchasers to use them in accordance with the laws of their respective jurisdictions.
True Blue is synonymous with integrity, and we are deeply committed to our community. We honor this commitment with exceptional customer service, accessible pricing, a comprehensive product guarantee, a free and reduced-cost scholarship and a generous, inclusive referral rewards program.

Browse the Genetics Library
We exclusively offer liquid cultures. Pricing starts at $19.99 each. (See bulk pricing.) Free shipping on orders of 12 or more (US only).
Each specimen listed below is provided in a sterile syringe, filled with 12cc of pure liquid mycelium and sealed with Parafilm®. Each syringe comes with a needle and an alcohol swab.
Every order is covered by our guarantee and subject to our terms. Orders ship 1-3 business days after receiving payment.
Click any item to read the description.
Showing 119 of 119 items. Show Out of Stock Items
Common NameTaxon
PioppinoAgrocybe aegerita
Fly AgaricAmanita muscaria
Cordyceps militarisCordyceps militaris
EnokiFlammulina velutipes
Tinder ConkFomes fomentarius
Antler ReishiGanoderma lingzhi
Classic Chinese ReishiGanoderma lingzhi
Red ReishiGanoderma lucidum
Oregon ReishiGanoderma oregonense
Bronze ReishiGanoderma polychromum
Black ReishiGanoderma sinense
GymnopilusGymnopilus luteofolius
Bear's HeadHericium americanum
Coral ToothHericium coralloides
Lion's ManeHericium erinaceus
ShimejiHypsizygus tessulatus
Shiitake (Warm/Wide Range, Indoor/Outdoor)Lentinula edodes
Shiitake (Cool, Outdoor)Lentinula edodes
Shiitake (Warm, Indoor/Outdoor)Lentinula edodes
Tiger SawgillLentinus tigrinus
Black MorelMorchella importuna
Blushing MorelMorchella rufobrunnea
Neurospora crassaNeurospora crassa
Chestnut MushroomPholiota adiposa
Golden OysterPleurotus citrinopileatus
Blue OysterPleurotus columbinus
Pink OysterPleurotus djamor
King OysterPleurotus eryngii
Pearl OysterPleurotus ostreatus
Aspen OysterPleurotus populinus
Phoenix OysterPleurotus pulmonarius
AzziePsilocybe azurescens
Ps. caerulescensPsilocybe caerulescens
Leucistic A+Psilocybe cubensis
AmazonPsilocybe cubensis
Avery's AlbinoPsilocybe cubensis
B+Psilocybe cubensis
Blue MagnoliaPsilocybe cubensis
Leucistic Blue MagnoliaPsilocybe cubensis
Blue MeaniePsilocybe cubensis
OB1Psilocybe cubensis
Bluey VuittonPsilocybe cubensis
Albino Bluey VuittonPsilocybe cubensis
BurmaPsilocybe cubensis
Albino BurmaPsilocybe cubensis
Leucistic BurmaPsilocybe cubensis
CambodiaPsilocybe cubensis
Costa RicaPsilocybe cubensis
EcuadorPsilocybe cubensis
Elephant GatePsilocybe cubensis
EnigmaPsilocybe cubensis
Full Moon PartyPsilocybe cubensis
Golden HaloPsilocybe cubensis
Gulf CoastPsilocybe cubensis
HanoiPsilocybe cubensis
HawaiiPsilocybe cubensis
HillbillyPsilocybe cubensis
Hillbilly PumpkinPsilocybe cubensis
Illusion WeaverPsilocybe cubensis
Jedi Mind Fuck (JMF)Psilocybe cubensis
Leucistic Jedi Mind Fuck (LJMF)Psilocybe cubensis
Lizard KingPsilocybe cubensis
MazatapecPsilocybe cubensis
MelmakPsilocybe cubensis
Albino MelmakPsilocybe cubensis
MRRLLPsilocybe cubensis
Squat MakPsilocybe cubensis
MexicanPsilocybe cubensis
NepalPsilocybe cubensis
NezukoPsilocybe cubensis
Oak RidgePsilocybe cubensis
Orissa IndiaPsilocybe cubensis
Penis EnvyPsilocybe cubensis
Penis Envy 7Psilocybe cubensis
Albino Penis Envy (APE)Psilocybe cubensis
Black APEPsilocybe cubensis
APE RevertPsilocybe cubensis
Frank's Cock Penis EnvyPsilocybe cubensis
Penis Envy MonsterPsilocybe cubensis
MVPPsilocybe cubensis
Albino MVPPsilocybe cubensis
Old Dirty Penis EnvyPsilocybe cubensis
Perfect Penis EnvyPsilocybe cubensis
Penis Envy ThrasherPsilocybe cubensis
Albino ThrasherPsilocybe cubensis
Penis Envy UncutPsilocybe cubensis
Purple MysticPsilocybe cubensis
Red BoyPsilocybe cubensis
Rusty WhytePsilocybe cubensis
ShaktiPsilocybe cubensis
SombreroPsilocybe cubensis
StargazerPsilocybe cubensis
Golden TeacherPsilocybe cubensis
Leucistic Golden TeacherPsilocybe cubensis
TAT #1 (True Albino Teacher)Psilocybe cubensis
TAT #2 (True Albino Teacher)Psilocybe cubensis
TAT GhostPsilocybe cubensis
Jack FrostPsilocybe cubensis
Pearly GatesPsilocybe cubensis
Yeti (True Albino Teacher)Psilocybe cubensis
White TeacherPsilocybe cubensis
TexasPsilocybe cubensis
Texas Yellow CapPsilocybe cubensis
Thai Elephant DungPsilocybe cubensis
Tidal WavePsilocybe cubensis
TosohatcheePsilocybe cubensis
Leucistic TosohatcheePsilocybe cubensis
TrinityPsilocybe cubensis
VaderPsilocybe cubensis
White RabbitPsilocybe cubensis
Wavy CapsPsilocybe cyanescens
Ps. mexicanaPsilocybe mexicana
Ps. natalensisPsilocybe natalensis
Ps. subaeruginosaPsilocybe subaeruginosa
Ps. subtropicalisPsilocybe subtropicalis
Ps. tampanensisPsilocybe tampanensis
Ps. weraroaPsilocybe weraroa
Wine CapStropharia rugosoannulata
Turkey TailTrametes versicolor
Don't see what you're looking for? Submit a request and we'll see if we can find it!
True Blue Crew
Community is everything to us here at True Blue, and we couldn't do what we do without you. We know our business relies wholly on the good word of our friends. We want to give back, so we invite you to join the Crew.
Here's how it works: each community partner receives a unique discount code. Share this code with your friends and followers, and whenever someone uses it to make a purchase you get a commission. They save a buck, you make a buck, and we make a friend. Everybody wins.
We love what we do, and we take great pride and care in our work. But we are mycologists, and our passion is in the lab. When it comes to marketing, we start to turn blue. We hope that you will see the value in our efforts and help us spread the word, so we can continue doing what we do best, and keep the culture flowing.
TBG Scholarship Fund
Anyone who works with fungi knows something about ascending from the depths. We've been there, and we believe that those with humble means should have equal access to exceptional genetics. Mycology is a field of great promise, and this world can always use a little more hope. If you are here for the work, with a full heart and empty pockets, we invite you to apply for a scholarship.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis, evaluated for both merit and need, and awards are granted in the order of receipt as funds become available. (There is sometimes a waitlist.)
On the other hand, if you find yourself in a position of abundance, we encourage you to consider making a small donation to the fund with your purchase. Funds raised are used strictly to help offset the material cost of providing free and reduced-cost liquid culture to our many worthy applicants.
Wholesale Liquid Culture
Wholesale and bulk liquid culture are the backbone of our business. With our meticulously curated library, characteristically dense inoculum, state-of-the-art bulk packaging techniques, exceptional track record for sterility and the most competitive prices in the industry, we are radically reshaping the whole world of gourmet mushroom cultivation.
Commercial gourmet mushroom producers face a litany of complex challenges with high stakes, as any number of mistakes can lead to significant downtime and losses. Our grateful clients have found that making the switch to our revolutionary high-volume liquid inoculation system cuts material and labor costs by more than 85%, reduces contamination rates below 1% and cuts production time in half compared with traditional spawning techniques.
Whether you are a commerical gourmet mushroom producer or a retail shop wanting to offer a diverse selection of fungal genetics to your customers, True Blue Genetics is the partner you've been looking for. Reach out to us to inquire about our bulk packaging, wholesale rates and current lead time estimates.